Por todos son conocidos los premios Rosa Barba de paisaje. Hoy os traemos la próxima convocatoria de la que saldrán los premiados (como viene siendo habitual) en la 8ª edición de la Biennal Internacional de Paisaje que se celebrará en Septiembre del 2014.
Se podrán presentar todos los proyectos de paisaje realizados entre 2009 y 2014, y la fecha tope es el 11 de abril. En cualquier caso os dejamos los carteles de presentación (en diferentes idiomas) y el texto que nos han mandado desde la organización.
Y por si alguien aun no lo conoce, os dejamos el enlace al post que dedicamos al proyecto ganador de la pasada edición.
(Para ver los carteles en grandes, pinchad encima de la imagen)
Since its first
edition, the European Landscape Biennial has expressed its desire to intently
study and discuss landscape interventions, as much from the perspective of
landscape architecture as from other disciplines that are linked to its study
and evolution. The Biennial has been consolidated on a European scale in its
seven previous editions-"Remaking Landscapes" (1999), "Gardens
in Arms" (2001), "Only with Nature" (2003), "Landscape: a
Product / a Production" (2006)- Storm & stress (2008) , "Liquid
Landscape" (2010) and "Biennial versus Biennial" (2012).
by the hand of its international Rosa Barba landscape
prize, this edition will broaden its scope to world wide contemporary
international landscapes architecture. Barcelona will open itself to
international landscape architecture in a symposium adapted to contemporary
The Rosa Barba Landscape
Prize, sponsored by Banc de Sabadell, will be announced within the framework of
the 8th Barcelona Landscape Biennial which will take place on the 25, 26
and 27th September 2014 in Barcelona. The Rosa BarbaLandscape
Prize is opened to all kinds of landscape projects and planning created
worldwide from 2009 to 2014. Deadline for presenting project's documentation is
April 11th , 2014. There is a sole AWARD, which has an economic value of 15.000
euros. It will not be declared void under any circumstances. The Prize-winner
and the finalists will be presented during the symposium. The projects selected
by an International Jury will be published in the 8th Landscape Biennial
Catalogue and exposed in the Rosa Barba Prize
Para más información:
- http://arquitectespelpaisatge.blogspot.com.es/search/label/Rosa%20Barba
- http://www.coac.net/landscape/premiC_e.html